Our Commitment to Sustainability
“Sustainable winegrowing not only improves wine quality but helps us compete in the global marketplace where consumers are increasingly interested in knowing that the foods and wines they enjoy are produced in an environmentally friendly manner.”
— The Wine Institute, 2016
Our first commitment is to sell the best quality wine grown in respect of soil, air and water.
But it doesn't end here. We support the research and educational outreach of the Organic Farming Research Foundation:

Founded in 1990, the Organic Farming Research Foundation works to foster the improvement and widespread adoption of organic farming systems by providing farmers with up-to-date organic research, educational resources, and advocacy. Unbiased and science-based, OFRF also educates the public and policy-makers to advance best organic practices as a climate solution. OFRF cultivates organic research, education, and federal policies that bring more farmers and acreage into organic production. With these collective efforts, OFRF is creating a more resilient and sustainable agricultural system that values healthy environments and healthy people.
All materials we use, -from office to shipping, -have been selected for their low environmental impact:
Shippers: Paper pulp made with 99% minimum recycled content. Western Pulp Products Company purchases post-consumer paper directly from recyclers, including charitable community groups at fair market value, which in turn, supports those they serve.
Cartons: Manufactured by Orora, following the guidelines of the Sustainable Packaging Coalition whose goal is to funnel the power of industry towards responsibly sourcing and optimizing renewable or recycled source materials; manufacturing, transport, and recycling using clean renewable energy; made from materials that stay healthy for all their life cycle.
Packing tape: Noissue 100% recycled non-wax-coated paper printed with sustainable soy ink, and water-activated adhesive.
Printing paper: Classic Crest 100% Recycled, manufactured with 100% renewable green energy; manufactured from sustainable raw materials and free of chlorine chemistry. Green Seal certified.